It started as a replacement for my dishwasher magnet that could no longer adhere to my cabinet-faced dishwasher. Dishes clean? YES/NO. And it prevented my daughter from putting away dirty dishes in her temporary moments of contributing to household chores. Soon, I was making them for friends who also wanted an indicator for clean dishes.

Yet we (as in the crew helping me make Bader+Simon what it is and will be) are expanding the YES/NO shop to provide support with decision-making indicators.

  • register to vote?

  • ask about my day?

  • make a difference?

  • write your senator?

  • schedule a date night with the wife?

  • insert your own question here______

Bader+Simon has become my passion project, and I am proud of our accomplishments. The building continues to undergo construction, we continue to produce engaging and thought-provoking online programming, and the newest endeavor is the Bader+Simon Empowerment Grant, which will support projects embedded in social justice. The grant recipient will receive funding for their project, participate in our in-person programming once the gallery’s physical space is open, and get a feature on our podcast B+S with Friends.

In a shameless attempt to ask for support, I am offering a 4”x4” YES/NO art piece* to anyone who donates $100 or more to Bader+Simon. This support will assist with the grant and subsidize our continued programming. We continue to be grateful to the Cincinnati community and beyond, who have enthusiastically welcomed us into the art space and continue to be advocates for our mission. [*artwork will be mailed as completed.]

Do we appreciate your support and consideration? Fuck yeah.
