Hello 2024
“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.”
As 2023 comes to a close, I am considering the above quote by Goethe. While many choose January as a starting point for resolutions and new beginnings, I firmly believe in seizing the moment. And this year has taught me more than ever to not waste time waiting. Thoreau reminds us to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, for who knows what tomorrow brings?
These past many months have been about closure, beginnings, heartache, and the gift of connecting, reconnecting, and being grateful for what and who is around me. A profound loss this year was the passing of my uncle, who was so full of life and enthusiasm. His absence continues to remind me to enjoy the journey.
My kids are all thriving, and I am equally in awe of and immensely grateful for them. It brings a smile to my face to recognize and appreciate their keen ability to be perfectly and uniquely individualistic as they build a life for themselves. I now get a moment to sit back and watch in amazement as they forge their paths. And despite my pride, I am trying my best to respect their aversion to having their photos posted.
My book is now securely in the hands of editors, who are sure to return with edits. Yet, I’m one step closer to publication. This endeavor has been a source of angst and frustration but, ultimately, pride. I look forward to sharing it with you in the future and, more importantly, to shed light on the struggles within the intersection of healthcare management and incarceration. I am grateful to the incredible artists who contributed their work to the project.
Photo: Sara Bennett. Linda.
Most exciting – the soon-to-be permanent home of the gallery is finally on its way as construction progresses. You can read more about what has happened this past year at Bader+Simon here. We will have a big announcement in early January about the commencement of a program to support artists.
Many thanks to Robert Sebree for documenting the construction progress.
To all of you who have supported me, supported this crazy idea happening in Cincinnati, or have been a friend, colleague, or patron of supporting my artistic endeavors, thank you. I do not take it for granted, and I am appreciative. May you have a wonderful holiday and new year as we ring in 2024. Cheers to love, joy, friendship, and lots of art and culture!