I'm Back
Oh, 2020. It’s been quite a ride. You promised us pretty much every adjective that the turn of the clock presents to us year after year. A sense of renewal, hope, vision… get it? 2020? Didn’t quite happen. Or did it? Sitting on the other side of 270+ days since we were first quarantined, I feel like a new person. A different person. Like a sweet onion slowly peeling away layers. I recognize what is important to me. Who is important. Life is becoming more and more precious. I’m finding the parts of myself I had lost.
And I’m finding my art again. After working on a doctorate for the past four years, I am focusing on getting my hands dirty. And I am not alone. Artists are using this time to express themselves while bringing attention to the need for art. About a third of the way through the lockdown I saw a quote by Stephen King, “If you think artists are useless try to spend your quarantine without music, books, poems, movies and paintings.”
I’m happy to be back. The website is redesigned. There is some new work up that expresses my sentiments about 2020, and I’ve created a new model of donating 50% of all proceeds to non-profit organizations. As we ease into the new year, I hope we can all remember the importance of the visual beauty surrounding us, not in spite of, but due to the challenges we live through.
Peace and health to you in the New Year.